List of 21 items.

  • Attn: Summer 2024 will offer in-person camps & classes

    Summer Programs 2024 will occur between June 10 - August 2. Please read all descriptions as some details have changed (and some may still change).
  • Participants: Who Can Come?

    St. Albans Summer Programs - a combined summer camp and summer school for area and out-of-town boys and girls in grades Pre-K through 12 - provides half- and full-day academic and arts classes, along with athletic camps for various sports.
  • Registration Questions

    • Online registration is the preferred and quickest method to enroll your child in our programming.  Just click the Register Online link on our website. *If you have issues and/or concerns with online registration, consult the office for assistance.
    • The registration period typically begins in January, with rolling admission - until spots are filled or the program starts. So you may continue to enroll as long as there's an option available!
    • How do you find offerings for your child?  There are various ways including:
      • For Academics: Please select the division level listed under the Academics & Arts section that correlates to your student's rising grade for the fall and check course descriptions for the target grades.
      • For Sports: Each camp has a page and will list the eligibility ages and/or grade levels. 
      • All Camps & Classes menu: Under this option is the Listing by Grade. *Eligibility for all academic classes are based on grade-level; most sports are age-specific with some being grade-specific.
      • Summer Schedule: Click the icon in the upper right corner to reveal the Calendar feature.  You will be able to filter for the grades(s), which will display the options available, by month.
    • How do I know if there's room left in a class or camp?
      • You may contact the office for that information.  If a class or camp meets its maximum, we'll note it on the website and it will no longer be an option through online registration.  Once a offering gets under 5 spots, we also try adding this information to the Sessions (Step 2) of Online Registration (where you'd make activity selections) as well as note it within the class and camp descriptions.
    • Can I register my child the same day or for a partial time? It is our preference that all participants be registered by the Friday before the start of the session they wish to participate in.
      • Advanced enrollment aids in staffing and resource considerations and helps ensure that a session can actually proceed if a certain number of participants are known.
      • We do not prorate fees for classes.  If your student will not be available for a significant portion of the class's time, you may want to reconsider registering. Consult the Summer School director if you have specific questions.
      • Some sports camps may allow late registration or partial weeks; it is up to the directors of those programs.  You should inquire with the Summer Programs Office.
    • Can my child be with their friend(s)?
      • Summer Programs does not have a "buddy system" or request mechanism. Generally, if your child and their friends are of the same age, grade level, and/or ability level, they'd likely be in same groupings or have interactive opportunities. However, that will depend on overall capacity and other factors as determined by staff.
    • Can I register for Headfirst or Beauvoir Camps through your office? No, we do not handle enrollment for these programs. Please contact them directly.
  • Health Considerations

    Medical Response
    St. Albans Summer Programs will have either a school nurse, athletic trainers or outside medical professional available during all weeks of programming, to assist participants and staff.

    St. Albans Summer Programs will not be requiring specific vaccinations in order to participate, however, we strongly encourage that all participants be immunized in accordance with DC Health's recommendations
    • Parents should monitor their children for illness, or signs of illness before heading to camp.  If they show signs of illness, including vomiting, diarrhea, rash, chills, a temperature above 100.2 degrees F, dry cough, chills, shortness of breath, sore throat or new muscle aches/pains, they will be sent home.  Campers should test negative for COVID-19, if they experience these symptoms, before returning to camp.  
    • Please notify the camp directly if your camper develops a communicable disease, including COVID-19, and has attended camp in the previous 48 hours.  Campers who develop COVID-19 are asked to follow CDC guidelines.  This includes isolating at home for 5 days post first symptoms, and returning to camp on day 6 if fever free for 24 hours without the use of medications, having resolving symptoms, and wearing a mask when indoors on days 6-10.  

    Health Forms
    Unless otherwise necessary, we solely need the medical form, avaible through online registration portal, to be fully completed and submitted prior to your participant's first day of programming. *If you feel additional reference information is needed, you may email it to summerprograms@stalbansschool.org

    • The use of sunscreen, especially for sports campers, is highly encouraged. However, the application of sunscreen by staff must be permitted by parents via an addition to the participation waiver.  If you refuse to grant permission for assistance, it means that your camper is capable of applying their own sunscreen and that you will ensure they have a sufficent supply.
      • Scenarios in which staff assistance could be needed:
        • Young camper using a spray or cream
        • Camper's supply runs low/out or does not have
    Epipens or other medical items
    If your participant is old enough to keep hold of their medical items (and possibly self-administer), they are welcome to do so.  If you prefer we keep hold of them til the conclusion of the week or program, please ensure the items are clearly labeled, with instructions if necessary, and have your participant give them to either the medical representative or staff member.

    Food & Snack
    We do not restrict the types of foods participants bring for lunch or appropriate snack time, including peanut products, however, we do ask that they be mindful not to share and to clean up themselves and their eating areas before engaging with others or shared items; as some may have sensitivites to certain food items.
  • Financial Considerations

    • What are the prices and do you offer payment plans?
      • Prices vary, consult the descriptions for specifics. Approx Ranges:
        • Sports camps: $310-500
        • Classes: $340-2,034
      • Enrollments must be paid in full at the time of registration.  The Summer Programs Office, at its discretion, may agree to work out payment arrangements with families.
      • NEW A 2.9% surcharge is applied to all credit card transactions. Debit or ACH have no surcharge.
    • Updated Refund Policy (Credit Forward has been discontinued)
          • 24-hr Cancellation (Full Refund)
            •  If you recognize that recent enrollments need to be cancelled, you must contact our office within 24 hours of the submission of those items (email, phone/voicemail; even weekends), in order to receive a full refund. 
            • Ex. Submit $500 camp registration at 8pm on Friday; realize at 11:30am Saturday there's a conflict, CONTACT office immediately for full refund.
            • Only items registered within that 24-hr period are eligible for full refund; other items are subject to refund policy in place at that time.
            • Ex. Submit $500 camp registration at 8pm on Friday; realize at 11:30am Saturday there's a conflict with that camp BUT also with a registration from 2 weeks ago (April 2). Contact office immediately for the Friday registration's full refund, however the April 2 enrollment(s) are subject to only 75% return.
          • Early Refund Period (open - March 15)
            • Able to cancel enrollments for a 95% return.
          • Final Refund Period (March 16 - May 15)
            • Able to cancel enrollments for a 75% return.
          • No Refund: May 16 and beyond
            • Exceptions: 24-hr policy; STA-invoked cancelation or other approved circumstance.
    If St. Albans must cancel a class or camp due to low enrollment or other reason, a full refund for it will be made, if a substitute activity cannot be found.
        • Is there Financial Aid?
          • We do not have financial aid available for Summer Programs. St. Albans students who need or are required to take a summer class; should speak with their dean/advisor and the Financial Aid office.
          • Students from other schools, needing financial assistance, should look into organizations that may sponsor scholarships for summer study.  We do not provide a list of such organizations.
  • Payment Types and Discounts

    • Credit/Debit Cards: Visa, Master Card, American Express & Discover *2.90% Surcharge for all credit card
    • ACH (sometimes referred to as e-check)
    • Checks (payable to St. Albans Summer Programs): *Online registration does not offer a check payment option nor allow submission without a full payment therefore prior arrangement with the office must be made.
    • We offer a Combo Camp Discount, which applies if your camper enrolls in 2 sports camps during the same week.  We offer a certain dollar amount off the price. Example: if you register for Sport X in the morning and Sport Y in the afternoon, the office will refund the applicable combo camp fee.
      • The Combo Camp Discount is only applied by the office, after submissions have been verified as eligible.
    • We do not offer any other discounts, including sibiling or mutli-week/session.
  • Transportation: How to Get Here

    • St. Albans does not provide busses or shuttling services, except where applicable for certain programming.
    • Families are responsible for participants' drop off and pick arrangements.
      • Off-site Camps: direct drop-off or pick-up may or may not be allowed for certain off-site camps, please see their descriptions for specifics.
    • The Summer Programs Office does not accumulate carpool lists, nor furnish information regarding registrered families that live in the same vicinity.
    • Parking: There are limited parking options during the summer.  The Summer School director may be able to assist summer school students who drive to campus.
    • Metro: There are several metro stations withn 10-15 minutes of the St. Albans Campus (Woodley Park - Connecticut Ave exit and Tenleytown) and metro bus service, mainly on Wisconsin Ave (other cross streets Woodley Rd, Cathedral Ave, Massachusetts Ave)
  • Lunch/Snack

    Participants are responsible for providing their own lunch, should they be on campus for a full day of activity.

    St. Albans Summer Programs
    • Does not provide lunch nor have a snack bar/machine
    • Does not have refrigeration or microwaving 
    • On-campus outdoor sports camps may have a popsicle break (campers are welcome to bring own appropriate snacks for this time).
    • If your student/camper has certain food allergies, we'll do our best to maintain an area for them to eat with other participants however; we do NOT restrict the eating of any types of foods. Parents should ensure their kids understand not to share food and to clean hands before interacting with others or shared items.
    Where does lunch take place?
    • Most sports camps eat outside the majority of the time.
    • Summer School students will have several areas they can eat (as pointed out by Summer School staff)
    How long and when is lunch?
    • On-campus sports camps, lunch occurs between 12-1pm
    • For Summer School students
      • With afternoon classes: 12-12:25pm (or sports campers with afternoon classes)
      • With afternoon sports: 12-1pm
    • Students or campers with morning only camps or classes are expected to leave campus at end of their activity and not eat at St. Albans
  • Contacts at St. Albans

    Summer Programs Office
    handles registraton, payment and general questions for all programming.

    Hours *subject to adjustment: 
    • September - May: Mon-Fri 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
    • June - early August: Mon-Fri 8:00 am - 3:30 pm
    Phone: 202-537-6450
    Email: summerprograms@stalbansschool.org
    Director: Angela McDowell

    Summer School *information pending
    address specific information concerning classes, absence, transcripts etc.

    Hours *subject to adjustment: 
    • June - July 8:00 am - 3:00 pm (Summer School Office)
    Phone: 202-537-2214
    Email: adrewry@stalbansschool.org
    Summer School Director: Anders Drewry
  • How does my child move from activity to activity?

    Parents DO NOT have to come to campus to transport your kid from morning to afternoon STA activities.
    - For campers moving between different sports:
    There is a "natural" exchange at lunch time (12:00pm).
    - For those moving between sports and academics (or vice versa): Since these participants are older, they are allowed to move between those points of campus on their own. Guidance will be offered until they become comfortable. We will encourage pairings or groupings whenever possible.
  • Inclement Weather or Other Occurance

    It is important to note that we generally do not cancel our sports camps due to inclement weather, but find an alternative means to have the kids with us.  We will do our best to send out an email to all families in advance, should such a circumstance arise.  We do not have mass texting/phone capabilities for any last minute occurance. Staff will be dispersed to aid with pick up and drop off.

    Depending on the severity of the weather (rain, esp) and the particular sports program, camp may be able to occur outside for some time.  If that is not possible, we move the campers indoors and try to utilize whatever spaces we can have access to, which could include our two gymnasiums, classrooms, and other areas.  We try to still keep the campers involved with the sport they are here to participate in, by bringing in equipment suitable for indoor play and other activities which might including viewing videos or live action of the sport. Drop-off or pick-up procedures could be altered due to the weather.
    *For rowing camp: The Thompson Boathouse is equipped with indoor machines that they camp can utilize.  If it is not possible for the camp to use it, they may return to STA.
    **For kayaking: The staff and campers may retreat to the Kayaking Bus or other nearby shelter until the weather has passed. If appropriate, an early return to STA will occur.

    • The medical representative will keep watch over changing weather conditions and may perform temperature checks at the athletic areas, in order to provide recommendations to the camp directors.
    • We make sure that the children stay hydrated and take breaks during hot and humid summer days.  If the weaher is too extreme, then outdoor campers will be moved inside to engage in appropriate activities, whenever possible.

  • Other Commonly Asked Qs

    • Will I receive more information after registration?
      • Yes. As we advance closer to summer, additional information will come out concerning general details, and Summer School. For those enrolled in sports camps, a reminder email will be sent the Friday before the upcoming week. However, it is important to note that sports camp participants should read the website descriptions, esp. What to Bring, well in advance to ensure you have the proper resources.
    • Is there Before and/or After Care?
      • Summer Programs does not offer those services.
    • Do you offer academic credit?
      • Secondary schools may be willing to give credit for St. Albans courses, but in each case, individual arrangements must be made by the student with his/her school before he/she embarks on his/her course of study.  St. Albans Summer School is not prepared to incorporate special requirements of another school into its courses.
    • How does waitlisting work?
      • You must contact our office with your name, the activity interested in (include session or week, if applicable) and best way to contact you.  We will keep a list and while we cannot guarantee space will become available, we will do our best to contact those (in order of inquiry), if an opportunity arises.
    • Can I visit campus before Summer Programs?
      • No, we are unable to offer tours of the campus due to the extremely short turnaround between the close of our normal academic school year and the start of summer activities.
    • Notifying of early pick up or late arrival
      • You should contact the Summer Programs office, in advance (whenever possible), so that we can send the proper notification to staff and set meeting arrangements if necessary.  The Summer School will also appreciate contact related to anticipated absences from class.
    • Who staffs Summer Programs?
      • Quite a few of the Summer School faculty and all of the Sports Directors are from the St. Albans community.  We do enlist outside educators for some of our courses, many of whom are repeat contributors to our Summer Programs; they are interviewed and selected by the Summer School Director.  For our sports camps, St. Albans students/staff and NCS students have been employed as well as those solicited through job announcements.  They are interviewed and hired by the camp directors.
  • My child would like to switch to a different program mid-week, is this possible?

    Only if all efforts to address whatever the issue might be the cause for the request has been exhausted and provided there is room in the other program, might this occur.  Simply requesting to switch because it is discovered that "her friend Jannie is doing this" will not be obliged.
  • What about dismissal changes?

    Please note the following categories of Dismissal Changes:
    • Early Pick Up
    • Child going home with a friend or someone not on authorized pick up list. We ask that parents provide us with the is information in advance, so that it can be communicated to the appropriate staff handling pick up.
    Additionally, if for some reason, Summer Programs needs to change dismissal procedures (like location) due to weather or some other reason, we will email families as soon as we can and have staff at the normal dismissal areas to provide direction. We do not have mass texting/phone capability.
  • What are the hours?

    Baseball, Swimming & Tennis camps run from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm (*Baseball, swimming, & tennis offer 3 time options) There will be no pm session on Fridays for the above mentioned camps.
    • Basketball 9:00 am-3:00 pm
    • Football 9:00-11:00 am
    Class times vary, but will take place between the hours of 8:00 am and 3:00 pm. Class length may be for 1, 2 or 3 hours.
  • What are your session lengths?

    Camp and class sessions run Monday to Friday. Sports camps run weekly, while classes may run for 1-, 2-, 3-, or 6-weeks. (Course descriptions note the amount of weeks).

    St. Albans Programs will close on federally observed holidays, Juneteenth and Independence Day.
  • What are the telephone options for participants and parents (cell phones, calls during the day, etc)?

    It is preferred that students/campers not utilize their phones during camp or class time (unless a class requires use of apps, such as calculator or something specifically designated by the instructor). Kids should only use phones during breaks and limit the items (electronic or otherwise) that might entice potential issues with others.
  • What is the attendance policy?

    We expect that students and campers to attend each day and every activity they are signed up for.  We understand illness occurs, travel, or some other issue may arise, causing them to miss some time. Please contact our office when something like this happens, so that all appropriate staff know the situation.
  • What is the staff to camper/student ratio?

    The ratio will depend on the class or camp and the capacity allowed for it. Most classes have one instructor, although for the Lower School, some classes will have one or two main teachers and then an aide or two.  Sports camps will have a director and a variable number of counselors.  The breakdown of camper to coach or teacher to student varies.
  • What should I do if I can't remember my username and/or password?

    Our office does not have access to your password or security questions; your username is the email address you used to create the account. You must click the "Forgot Password" link on the front screen of the registration portal to retrieve your log-in credentials. However, if you need to change the email address associated with your account and it is used to log in, ou must contact us at summerprograms@stalbansschool.org. PLEASE DO NOT CREATE MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS (If you have used the online system before to register for the St. Albans Tennis Center or St. Albans Swim Club, please use the same log-in credentials.)
  • When will I receive grades and reports for my child's academic classes?

    The Summer School will issue reports for academic courses at the end of each "semester" (the end of the third and final weeks).  If an additional report should be sent to the student's school, please contact Anders Drewry, Director of Summer Studies, adrewry@stalbansschool.org, 202-537-2214

    *No reports will be sent to parents or schools, and no course credits will be registered, until settlement of all financial obligations.
Located in Washington, D.C., St. Albans Summer Programs – a combined summer camp and summer school for area and out-of-town boys and girls in grades Pre-K through 12 – provides half- and full-day academic and art classes and athletic camps for football, golf, swimming, and tennis at state-of-the-art athletic facilities.