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    • Arts
Middle School (6–8)


All classes IN-PERSON


Grades 7-10
This creative summer experience takes place in an encouraging and engaging art studio atmosphere.  
Inspired by contemporary art history, advertising, architecture, and cinema, students will create unique pieces using oil paint, acrylic, watercolor, and spray paint on canvas, paper, found objects, and walls. One or both weeks can be attended.
Session 1: June 16 - 20
1:00 - 3:00 pm
*No class Thurs. June 19
Session 2: June 23 - 27
1:00 - 3:00 pm
Located in Washington, D.C., St. Albans Summer Programs – a combined summer camp and summer school for area and out-of-town boys and girls in grades Pre-K through 12 – provides half- and full-day academic and art classes and athletic camps for football, golf, swimming, and tennis at state-of-the-art athletic facilities.